Sloth Coding

Let's Connect


Some Code

Same HTML, Different CSS


Using the same HTML create different website layouts.

Bucket List


Bucket list application using Angular5. Followed Udemy course on introduction to Angular as project base.

Pure CSS Images


Self-challenge beginning May 5, 2018 to create images using CSS. Full list of images available on GitHub.

Women in STEM


Interactive parallax website to help educate students on international policies surrounding Women in STEM.

Wheel of Fortune


Spin the wheel and guess the phrase! Recreated an online version of Wheel of Fortune using jQuery and JavaScript.

Some Writing

Among Tech Giants: Consumer Trust and Privacy

LifeRaft Inc.

Published on Nov. 20, 2018.

Online Crimes Are Not New, They've Just Evolved

LifeRaft Inc.

Published on Oct. 19, 2018.

Countering Cyber Extremism

Interagency Papers

Published on Nov. 3, 2015.